Settings overview

Ergonode gives you the possibility of personalizing all the settings for a more flexible user experience. Highly customizable options include user roles, languages, or the possibility of defining units specific to your organization.

All the customizable settings are available from the “System” tab on the Side Menu. For instance, if you wish to add new users, or edit current ones, you will need to select “Users” from the “System” tab.

From this view, you can see a list of all users created in the system along with some basic info about them, including the role assigned to them and their activity. When in this view, click the “New User” button.

This will bring up a popup window with several fields to fill in and options to select that will define the new user. The fields are self-explanatory, so let’s focus on the two options that you can define by selecting values from their dropdowns.

These two are Language and Role. User interface language at this point only supports English (UK) and Polish (PL). Content language is based on all the languages available in the system (System > Settings > Languages). This setting set the default content language for a user.

If you enable a new language in System > Settings > Languages all already created users will NOT have access to it. If you wish for them to do, you need to enable it in Language restrictions for a specific user.

A role is a predetermined user role that needs to be set up upfront (some basic roles are available out of the box).

This is straightforward, similar in many respects to analogous sections in many other systems or apps that have user roles, the difference being that Ergonode allows for very fine tuning of these roles. Every small detail can be tweaked to your needs – from imports, attributes, categories, products, to settings, multimedia and users, and everything in between. Access to each segment can further be defined in four broad levels – create, read, update, and delete.

All of this combines to enable the definition of very specific user roles, thus limiting the possibility of users making errors or accessing elements that are beyond their scope.

If you are the holder of a pro license, you will also have a chance to set up permission per attributes form here. You can read more about it there >>

Next option is Activity log - here admin can check when, who, and what was changed in the system.

Lastly, we have the “Settings” segment. There are three tabs here to check out.

First, you have the Languages tab which allows you to select multiple languages. After you decide on the ones you wish to use, you can move on to the next one. One more option that you can set from here is to attach a specific workflow to each language, as needed. Find out more about creating and modifying workflows here:

Which is “Units” tab. There are several predefined units already present here, but you can define your own with ease. For example, if your store measures products by boxes, cases, bags, etc. you can set those units up easily.

To do that, from within “Settings” navigate to the “Units” tab, click on the “+ New Unit” button, and on the popup window that will be displayed give your unit a name and a symbol. Both need to be unique.

Next is API Key. Click on "+ ADD KEY" to add a new one.

Set an API key name - it could be anything. You may choose to limit products available with this key to a specific segment. While it's possible to add only one segment per key, but you may create unlimited numbers of keys.

It's possible to make key read only, so no one who knows it will not be able to change anything in the system. It's a default setting. to change it, tick Allow to write checkbox.

The Last option available here is tab SKU.

It is possible to enable automatic SKU generation from within settings. When enabled, while creating new products within Ergonode, the SKU value will automatically be populated by the next value based on the highest existing value in the system.

It is also possible to set a prefix for the SKU value, according to your needs. If you choose to do so, the numeric value will be added after the specified prefix. Please refer to the screenshot below to see how to enable automatic SKU generation.

Last updated