Product catalog views

In order to increase the comfort of using our software, the user has the possibility to change the display settings for products to the gallery view. There are two views that allow the user to perform various actions form the product catalog level.


In order to go to the list view, you need to go to the Products section of the Side Menu, select Catalog and choose the icon shown below:

You may read some more about actions you can perform from the list view by following the link below:

Boost your catalog management using filtering

In order to switch to the gallery view, simply choose the second option next to the list view.

The Gallery view is designed to optimize navigation among the products describe by SKUs and images. After double clicking on one of the products you will be redirected to the edition mode.

The gallery view may be customized to your current needs. All you need to do in order to change the settings is click the cog symbol next to the list and gallery view icons, which will bring up a popup window with the features you can adjust. These include, amongst others, the number of columns displayed or the image scaling.

Kanban View

The Kanban view of products is an outgrowth of the major overhaul to workflows completed recently. While this view is accessed from the product catalogue and becomes the third view option, it is implicitly related to workflows.

So what is Kanban View and what does it have to offer? Here are the details:

The biggest advantage offered by Kanban View is the possibility of assessing the status of products, from the point of view of their progress through the workflow, at a glance.

Firstly, it provides the number of products in each status of the workflow, also listing each product in each of the status columns along with its name and image, if one is attached.

Secondly, each of the product entries features a progress bar measuring the products’ completeness. If you hover your cursor over the bar, it will display what is missing from the product to achieve full completeness.

Additionally, products can be moved between statuses in the workflow by simple dragging and dropping them in the appropriate columns. This is conditional on that transition being present in the current workflow and the conditions for that transition being met.

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