Ergonode User Guide

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Welcome to the Ergonode User Guide page. As you are surely aware, we live in an age of digital transformation where every retailer, distributor, or manufacturer shares the same problem: discovering the best way to effectively manage their product catalog. Therefore, we created the Ergonode platform - when it comes to digital sales channels, product management empowers your team with efficient catalog management, increases the productivity and quality of their day-to-day work, and provides data enrichment.

Ergonode is a PIM platform for teams who enrich product information together. It allows for a better team spirit and increased productivity with smart product management.

With Ergonode you can:

Design outstanding product data by creating beautiful templates for product families:

Set powerful workflows for your team:

Manage multiple languages in an easy way:

Create and execute import and distribution processes:

Easily manage your assets (simple DAM):

You can find other great resources here:

Last updated