Category attributes

From time to time some businesses could have a need to add some attributes to a category.

Now it's possible to do it from Ergonode PIM. From the side menu go to Category attributes.

Here you can add attributes that already exist in your system to the list of attributes that will be added to categories.

If you do not have those, you need to create them first.

You can read more about how to do it here

Click on +ADD ATTRIBUTES, and from the newly opened window check those you wish to use with categories. You may add more than one. Click Add attributes when done.

Now that you add all attributes you wish to use with categories to the list, it's time to find out how to add some values to them.

To do so, go to Product design > Categories on the side menu, and click edit on the category that you wish to work with.

Go to the Translation tab. All attributes you add to the list in Category attributes are already pinned to a category so all you need to do is to fill them out if needed or leave them or some of them empty if you wish.

All attributes from Category attributes are pinned to all categories, but you do not need to fill them out in all of them.

Last updated