Batch Actions - Edit Products in Product Catalog

Ergonode allows the edition of multiple products at once. Below we will present several cases where bulk actions could be useful:

Editing product attributes

If you wish to edit several products at once, go to the Product Catalog, check the products you require and click on the green “Actions” button. Select “Edit attribute values” from the drop-down and a new window will appear that will allow for the bulk edition attributes values of selected products.

All the attributes appearing in the product template assigned to the selected products are listed on the left side. If these products use different templates with differing attributes, only those shared by the templates assigned to the selected products will be displayed. You can drag and drop attributes that you want to edit from that list to the space on the right. If you do not wish to edit it, you may close the window by clicking on the closing icon. You can also change the order of the attributes by clicking the two arrows on the left side and moving them up or down.

Once you’re done editing simply click the “Save Changes” button. If you leave one attribute unchanged, then the system will try to update it with an empty value.

Therefore, make sure to make all the edits you need. Once you click “Save Changes” a popup will appear asking you to confirm your action. Depending on the size of the edited material, it may take some time to complete, but the process will continue in the background, so you are free to perform other tasks in the meantime.

When completed, a notification will appear in the Action center.

No matter with mass action type you use, principal of how to use it will be the same.

Last updated